John 14:15- If you love me, keep my commands.
1 Samuel 15: 22- But Samuel replied,” What is more
pleasing to the LORD: your burnt offerings and sacrifices or your obedience to
His voice? Listen! Obedience is better than sacrifice, and submission is
better than the fat of rams.
I have established a word for the year for the past several years. The word serves as an intentional mark of focus that sets the
tone for the year ahead. For 2024, the word was ‘cultivate’. For 2025,
the word is ‘obedience’.
Why Obedience?
Obedience to God is the primary indicator of our
love for Him. What would my life look like if I obeyed God in every area? Well,
I want to find out. Obedience sends the message that I trust God in all things.
I see Him as supreme. He is good. His character is sure. He will never steer
me wrong. I think of the passage in
James where James encourages us to not just be hearers of the Word but be doers
of the Word( James 1:22). How many times have I just heard God’s word and not
put it into practice? I want to live a life
of wholehearted obedience. I want to hear God’s voice and do what He says.
Jesus is not just my Savior. He is my Lord. He is in control. My life’s purpose
is to glorify Him, to give Him honor and praise. God values obedience more than
sacrifices. He wants us to do what He tells us to do. I am reminded of Abraham
in Genesis. He obeyed God when God told him to move to an unknown land. He obeyed
God when God told him to sacrifice his only son. Thankfully, God spared Abraham’s
son Isaac. Abraham demonstrated great faith and surrender to God. He determined
in His heart that no matter the cost, He would obey God. He would rather listen
to God’s voice rather than man. I want to live out my faith by obeying God.
The main hindrance to living a life of wholehearted
obedience is my thinking that I know what is best and simply not wanting to do
what God says. I must remember that the earth is the LORD’s and the fullness
thereof, the world and all that dwell therein( Psalm 24:1). He is in control,
and I belong to Him. My will is submerged in His. I have to remember that He
knows what is best for me. I am not fit to govern myself. I need the Triune
God to direct my life.
Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank You for your voice. Please help me
to listen to you speak. Help me to obey You. Please make my heart willing to do
what You tell me to. Hide my will in Yours. Please help me not to be merely a
hearer of Your word. Rather, help me to do what Your word says. Forgive me of
my pride. Forgive me for thinking that my way is the best. LORD God, my
life is Yours. Do with it as You wish. I surrender to Your will, way, Word, and voice. I surrender to You for I know that You know what is best for
me. So, help me to obey You when it’s difficult to do so. Help me to obey You
when it would be much more convenient to do things my way. Help me to choose
You every time. For You love me, Lord God. I love You. I want to show my love
for You. Obedience is better than sacrifice. Please help me to listen to You in
moments of weakness. For when I am weak, You are strong. Your strength is
perfected in weakness. Please give me the courage to obey You when it is
difficult. Help me to value what You say above every opinion of man.
Please, God, help me to live out my faith. Help me to obey You in all things.
In Jesus’ Name
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