
 Don’t be afraid, for I am with you. Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand. 

Isaiah 41:10 NLT

Being held promotes safety, comfort, and warmth. I am a very affectionate human. Hugs are my favorite. There is something so soothing about an embrace. God promises to hold us up with His victorious right hand. He promises to hold us in His arms and assure us we will be alright. He tells us not to fear for He is with us. He tells us not to be discouraged for He is our God. He will provide us with strength and offer us help. God’s presence eradicates fear. Whenever we feel discouraged, let us remember who our God is. He is the LORD of Heaven’s armies. He cannot fail. He knows the end from the beginning. He is completely trustworthy. He will never leave us or forsake us. He is on our side.

 I was feeling rather low at one point, and I prayed and asked God to give me a hug that only I could feel. God came through and gave me comfort. He is always there waiting for us to call on Him. He is the God of victory. That means that He always wins. No situation is too dire for Him. Because we belong to Him, that means that we are victorious too. The Bible declares in Romans that we are more than conquerors. God will hold us up. He will never let us fall.

What situation has you worried and besieged with anxiety? Bring it to God. Let Him wrap you in His arms. Let Him sing songs of victory over you. Remember who you are in Christ. Remember that Christ died to give You unlimited access to the Father. Remember that God is fighting for You. Surrender your anxiety and put on the peace of God that passes all understanding. Ask God to give you a hug that only you can feel. Remember that Christ is holding you. He will never drop you. He will never let you go. In His arms, you are secure. You are safe. You are cared for.

A Prayer

Dear God, 

Thank You for holding me up with Your victorious right hand. Thank you for embracing me and never letting me go. Thank you for providing me with safety and warmth. The world can be so cold. Thank You for the assurance of Your Presence. Thank You, God, for never leaving me or forsaking me. Nothing is too difficult for You. Please help me to surrender everything at your Feet. Thank  You for caring for me.

In Jesus’ Name 



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