Birthday Musings, Reflections, and Prayers

 They are like trees planted along the riverbank, bearing fruit each season. Their leaves never wither, and they prosper in all they do. Psalms 1:3 NLT

Hello beautiful people! I hope and pray that this blog post finds you well.  I just celebrated my birthday, which makes me feel very reflective. I thought I’d share my reflections, musings, and lessons that I am learning.

      Enjoy the journey- This is a lesson that I am continually learning. Often, I can become fixated on the destination. However, it is  the journey that shapes who we are. I am learning to savor every moment of precious life. Life is definitely a gift and is meant to be cherished. So,  enjoying the journey looks like dancing rather than sitting down. It means spending time in nature, smelling the flowers, and getting all up in the tree’s personal business. It means fully embracing all that life has to offer. It means being present. It means laughing heartily and giving thanks to God for life.  I don’t want to miss any moments because my focus is on the end result. The journey is meant to be enjoyed.

2.      Confidence- I want to walk boldly in my identity in Christ. I want to fully embrace all of whom God created me to be. As stated before, life is a journey. I want to be confident in God. So, I have been praying and asking God to give me confidence centered on Him. Insecurity is a form of pride because the focus is on the self. Insecurity blocks progress and prevents me from becoming who God wants me to be. I am choosing to believe the truth of who God says that I am. He says that I am fearfully and wonderfully made. He says that I am His masterpiece. He calls me His beloved child. He says that nothing can separate me from His love. I choose to reject the lies that I have believed about my identity, about my purpose. I want to accomplish all that God has for me to do. I don’t want to cower in fear or insecurity. I want to be bold as a lion.

3.      Draw close to God- I want to draw nearer to God and deepen my relationship with Him. God has proven Himself to be trustworthy, dependable, good, faithful, understanding, steady, and giving. God is the only One who is equipped to govern this life of mine. My life is His. My heart is His. My mind is His to shape and control. I want to continue to draw closer to God by communicating with Him( prayer) and hearing what He has to say( reading His  Word). I don’t just want to hear His Word. I desire to obey it. He has the words of life. I want to spend more time with Jesus, just soaking in His presence, worshipping Him, and giving Him thanks. He provides comfort, hope, and love. He is the ultimate Source of peace.  We are on this journey together and I am so grateful that He is my Captain.

4.      Gratitude – I want to continue to be grateful rather than complaining. Gratitude shapes the perspective. Gratitude helps us to be still and know that God is God. I want to spend time and be intentional with noticing all of my blessings. I enjoy writing, so writing down what I am grateful for will help me to recognize the goodness of God. Gratitude shields me from the sting of comparison. By exercising gratitude, I will be focused on valuing my life rather than comparing it to someone else’s. I want to be appreciative of my blessings. I am alive. I have breath in my lungs. I have salvation. I have a family who I love and who loves me. I have a testimony. I am not who I used to be. God is refining me and conforming me in the likeness of Christ. I can experience all five senses.  I have full dexterity in my limbs. I can smile and laugh. I have a great deal to be thankful for. God is good.

5.      My Prayer for This New Year- My prayer for this year is that it will be sweet. I pray for more passion and creativity. I pray that this year will be filled with blessings- hope, faith, and love. I pray for romance. I pray for deeper relationships. I pray for more dancing and spontaneity. I pray that I will enjoy the journey, grow in confidence, and display gratitude. I pray for growth in all aspects- emotional growth, mental growth, spiritual growth, and physical growth. Above all, I pray for a greater realization of who I am in Christ. I pray for a closer walk with Jesus. I pray that I will be rooted and grounded in Christ’s love. I pray to be so convinced of God’s love for me that I will be unstoppable. I pray that the light of Christ will radiate from my being and that all who I encounter will be impacted by Christ in me.  I pray that God will be glorified in my life. In Jesus’ Name Amen


So, there you have it. These are my reflections, aspirations, and lessons I am learning as I embark on this new year of life. I am grateful to God for this new year. Life is a blessing, and I do not take it for granted. I want to encourage you to cherish every moment of life. Smell the flowers. Frolic in nature. Spend time with your loved ones. Surrender to prayer. Listen to the Word of God. Nurture your soul. Bask in the sunlight of the goodness of God. You are so blessed. You are so loved. Your life has meaning and purpose. So, flourish in God’s grace!








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