Every Sigh


You know what I long for, Lord; You hear my every sigh.

Psalm 38:9 NLT

I was struck by this beautiful verse while browsing my Bible. God is intimately aware of our desires. He sees us and He knows us. We are loved immeasurably by Him. When we are overcome by the cares of this life, let us remember that God hears our every sigh. Our groanings and longings are important to Him. Nothing is too small or trivial for him to hear. God yearns for a relationship with us. Because of Christ, we have access to God. We can tell Him everything. He wants to hear. Let us long for more of Jesus. Let us long to behold Him and to dwell with Him in perfect love. He will draw near to us as we draw near to Him. Let Him be the One we cry out to, the One we share our most tender concerns with. Let Him be the first one we call. He can comfort us and alleviate the situation. We are on the mind of God. He loves us with an everlasting love. He hears our pleas. He hears our cries. He wants us to come to Him and lay our worries and anxieties at His feet.

A Prayer

Dear God,

Thank You for being acquainted with my deepest longings. Nothing is too small or silly for You. You want me to come to You with whatever is on my mind. You desire an intimate relationship with me. Help me to  draw near to You. Help me to long for You. You satisfy my thirst O God. You search me and know me. You love me, Lord. I want to seek You first. Help me to be open and transparent with You. Help me to pour out my heart to You because You are my Hiding Place. You are my Safety. I wholly trust You, God.  I am fully known, fully understood, fully comprehended by You. Thank You. There are no limits on Your love. I can never escape from Your presence. Thank You for knowing everything about me and loving me completely. Please help me not to withdraw from You but help me to come close. Help me to abide in You. I cannot do anything without You. So, Lord God, I surrender to You. I give all of myself to You. Please govern me accordingly. Draw me near to You. Thank You, God, for always listening to me, for comforting me when I feel alone, and for reminding me of Your all-powerful presence.  I love You, Lord God. Help me serve You with my whole life.

In Jesus’ Name





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