Beautiful Timing


Ecclesiastes 3:11 NLT

Yet God has made everything beautiful for its own time. He has planted eternity in the human heart, but even so, people cannot see the whole scope of God’s work from beginning to end.

Dear Believer,

God makes everything beautiful in its time. He weaves together the fabric of time and creates a masterpiece of intention and purpose. Nothing happens before it is supposed to. The blooming will occur in its time, and it shall be glorious. He makes everything beautiful for its own time. So do not fret if you feel like you are behind. Do not fret if you feel like everyone is ahead of you. You are right where you are supposed to be. Keep on running your race. Keep on marching with meaning. For God sees you. He knows you. He comprehends you. He is orchestrating every part of your story to work out for your good. For you love Him. For You are called according to His purpose. He is always fashionably on time. His schedule is not like the world’s schedule. His ways are far beyond our ways. His thoughts are supremely higher than our thoughts. So, trust Him. He invented time. Your timing is in His hands. He sees that great masterpiece of your life and knows when it will be the right time to flourish. So do not look to the right or to the left. Fix your eyes on Jesus, the Author and Finisher of your faith. Look to Him when You feel discouraged. Ask Him for a view of His timetable. Ask Him for grace, to seek Him, to trust Him. He makes everything beautiful for its own time.

So, relax in His presence. No more striving. Be still and know that He is God( Psalm 46:10). Be still and know that He is in control. Breathe in His certainty. Breathe out confusion. Breathe in His peace. Breathe out chaos. Trust in Him with the entirety of your being. He is the great Director of your life. He knows what scene will come next. He has You in the palm of His hand. He is beckoning You to just depend on Him. You are right where you are supposed to be. Continue to be faithful in the small things. Continue to be diligent where you are. Relish this season. Learn as much as you can learn in this season. For God is preparing you for the next and the next. Commit to gratitude. Commit to praise.  Like the old hymn says: “Count your blessings. Name them one by one.” Do not rush your life by always wishing for the next thing and the next thing. Enjoy every season. Every season has its blessings. Remember, God makes everything beautiful for its own time.


A Prayer

Dear Heavenly Father,

You are the Master of time. Please help me to trust You. Help me to trust that You are always fashionably on time. You are never late. I admit that sometimes I am tempted to get ahead of You. Please forgive me. Help me to be synchronized to Your perfect timing. Help me to walk in step with You. Help me to humbly follow Your leading. Thank You that You make everything beautiful for its own time. Thank you that nothing is a surprise to You. You work out everything for my good. Thank You for Your perfect love. Thank You that You are my Rock and Redeemer. Thank you for transforming my ashes into beauty. Please help me to seek Your face. Help me to fix my eyes on Christ. Help me to enjoy each season and to praise You in the midst of it. Have Your own way, LORD God.

In Jesus’ Name



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