Prayer for Relationships


Heavenly Father,

I come boldly asking You to help us to draw closer to You. Please guide us with Your love and mercy and cause us to submit to You in all things. Please keep us by Your power and grace. Lead us with Your firm and gentle hand. Please give us an insatiable hunger and thirst for Your Word which is life to us. God, help us to have faith which moves mountains. May our lives reflect the healing power of the gospel of Your Son Jesus Christ. Please conform us to His glorious likeness. Please help us walk in the freedom Christ paid the ultimate price for. Dear God mold us into who You want us to be. Keep us near the cross. Please help us love You with all our hearts, minds, souls, and strength.  Help us to trust in You with all of our hearts and to lean not on our own understanding, but in all of our ways, help us to acknowledge You and You will direct our paths. Please help us to surrender our stubborn wills to You. Thank you for being faithful to us, even when we are not faithful for You cannot deny Yourself. Help us to keep short accounts with You asking You for forgiveness when we mess up. Help us to run to You and not away from You. Thank you that You are The God of love and compassion. Thank You Father for our relationship with You through Christ Jesus.

Dear God, I pray for our relationships with fellow believers. Help our relationships with each other to be marked by love. Help us to truly love each other. Help us to carry each other’s burdens. Help us to pray for each other. Help us to forgive and not hold grudges against each other.  God, please teach us how to love. I pray that we will be an example to nonbelievers by the way that we love each other. I pray for unity in the Body of Christ. Help us use all our gifts to glorify You and edify the body. Help us not to become envious of each other but help us to celebrate each other. Help us to encourage each other.

Help us to spur each other on in good works. Please cause Your face to shine upon us. Please teach us to work together, not against each other. I pray that we will lift each other up and not tear each other down. Please help us to pray unceasingly for each other. Help us to exhibit love.

I pray for our relationships with our family members. Help us to be marked by love. I pray that our connection with our family will be of ease and not burden I pray that You would heal any broken relationship that we may have with family. God, please help us to communicate well with each other. Help us to implement boundaries.  Help us to enjoy the company of our family. I pray for our family members who do not know You, God, I pray that You would grant us the boldness to tell them about You, to tell them about The God who loves them so much that  He sent His  Son to die on the cross for them so that They might be saved. Help us not to be ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ. I pray, God that You would bring unity to our families. Where there is discord, I pray that You will bring peace. Where there is animosity, I pray that You would grant love. Where there is hopelessness, I pray that you will instill everlasting hope. Please cause our bond to be impenetrable. Help us to pray together, read Your Word together, and help us to uplift one another. I pray that we will have a healthy view of conflict. Help us to see conflict as a means to develop further connection, not division. Help us not to be afraid of conflict. Rather, help us to discern how to behave amid conflict. I pray for respect in families. I pray that You will help us to forgive and not retain bitterness and strife. Let love reign, Heavenly Father. Let love reign.

Dear God, I pray for our relationships with our friends. I pray that our friendships will be life–giving, encouraging, and enjoyable. For those of us who struggle with making friends, I pray that You will send us friends who love You. When loneliness arises, help us to remember that we have the ultimate friend in You. I pray God that You would take complete control of our friendships. Help us to love with brotherly affection. Help us to cover each other in prayer. Help us be overwhelmed with laughter and joy. Help us not to just abide in the superficial but help us to dwell in the depths. I pray for friendships that can handle difficult conversations, and will not waver when struggles arrive.  I pray that You would help our friendships be a place of safety. I pray that we will encourage each other in The Word. I pray that we will flee competition and embrace loyalty. Help us Lord to become better friends. Teach us to submit to You in all things.

Dear God, I commit all of our relationships to You. You created relationships when You said t it was not good for man to be alone. You created family. You caused us to be in a relationship with Yourself. Please help us to abide in You. Help us cling to You and seek You first in all our relationships. Have Your own sweet way, Lord God.

In Jesus’ Name




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