
 Hello beautiful people!

Wow, it has been a while since  I shared on this platform. Well, start expecting to hear from me often this time around. In case you didn’t know, Operation Redeemed is also a podcast. I launched the podcast in May of 2022 and what a journey it has been! Operation Redeemed’s mission is to encourage Christian women to walk boldly in their identity in Christ. I seek to exemplify that mission on the podcast and on the blog. Well, I thought that I would begin my reentry into the blogging world with some reflections on the past year. My  theme for 2023 is ‘Rooted and Grounded.’ The scriptural inspiration is Ephesians 3:17-19. They say- that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith; that you being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the width and length and depth and height- to know the love of Christ which passes knowledge; that you may be filled with all the fullness of God. I  want to be rooted and grounded in Christ’s love for me. His love surpasses all knowledge. 2023 is not over yet but here are some lessons I learned this year.

Stay connected to my roots- I began the year in the beautiful island of Jamaica, the land of my birth. It was nerve-wracking at first to be traveling by myself. However, I got the hang of it. It felt amazing to be back in my home country and connect with my family. It was such a great experience. I frolicked in nature, basked in the sunshine, went to the beach, had adventures with my cousin, and ate delicious food. Renewal washed over me and  I thanked God for His wondrous gifts. The message was clear- take time and truly savor life. I was reminded to treasure my loved ones and to treasure myself. The trip to Jamaica served as a refreshing start to the new year. I learned ( and am still learning) that I can be independent yet interdependent. I learned ( and am still learning)the value of nurturing my inner child. As I stated before, my theme for the year is ‘ Rooted and Grounded’. In Jamaica, I went to the hairdresser to get my hair braided. She had a prayer meeting playing in the background. I was listening to every prayer that was uttered. To my immense delight, the lady on the prayer line quoted Ephesians 3:17-19 and shared about being rooted and grounded! I felt so centered and knew that that was what God wanted me to meditate on. To be rooted and grounded in Christ’s love. That is the sure foundation to build on. God is intentional. I left Jamaica praying that I would be fully alive in Christ, that every shyness, hesitancy, and insecurity would be banished as I walked in the confidence of Christ. I am learning that it is a process, a journey but I am still trekking. I am still climbing, and I am going to higher heights and deeper depths.

God will provide- I am learning to trust in God and to remember that He is the great Provider. He knows the end from the beginning, the beginning from the end. He is in control and knows what we need. He knows us better than we know ourselves. I am learning to wholeheartedly depend on Him for everything, to present to Him my concerns, my worries, and my anxieties, and to cast them at His feet. I am anchored by His love for me.  This year is teaching me to simply trust. All shall be well in Christ.

Enjoy life- This year teaches me to enjoy life and engage in the activities that give me effervescence! I love people and I love getting together with my loved ones. A highlight of this year was the time spent with friends over good food and good conversation.  The quality time spent filled up my love tank and I am reminded to do that more often, to do things that fill up my love tank! I only have one life to live, so I might as well enjoy it. In the presence of the Lord, there is fullness of joy. I want to live in that space, to love God in all His fullness.  To radiate pure joy!

Be open to being used By God- As I mentioned before, I started The Operation Redeemed Podcast last year. The podcast has been such a blessing and provided me with opportunities well one opportunity in particular to speak. I was able to speak at a Women’s Day panel and it was such a pleasure. I am learning to continue to be open to sharing. You never know who your message is for I am learning that everyone has a gift, and it is up to me to use mine to further the kingdom of God.

Family Family Family!!!!!- So in the summer of this year, I returned to Jamaica for a family reunion. It was glorious, to see my family again and connect with new faces. One of the many highlights of the trip was us singing ‘The Blessing’ together as a family. We indulged in laughter and quality time spent. Family is a beautiful gift from God, and I am so grateful for mine.

God is my Rock and Redeemer-  I learned and am still learning many lessons. This one is a resounding lesson. God is my Rock and my Redeemer. He is showing me that He can restore to me the years that the locust has eaten he can restore my joy and my hope. Years ago, I was bound by a deep and heavy depression that threatened to rob me of vitality and hope. But God. God is showing me that nothing is too hard for Him and he can redeem and restore. Even when situations seem to be dead, God can breathe new life and cause them to live again.


I am learning to always have hope because Christ is my living hope. Jesus loves me. Jesus loves me. Jesus loves me. I have to remind myself that He loves me. It’s a lesson that I will repeatedly learn and declare and remind myself. I am loved. I am loved. I am loved.

Let that be true for you as well. You are loved beyond comprehension. I pray that you will experience the love of Christ though it is too rich to understand fully. May you know the height and width and depth of His great love for you.

Blessings upon Blessings,




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