Prayer for 2024


I pray that this year will overwhelm you with the peace of God. May you be enveloped in his protection, provision, and providence. May you become fully aware of your redeemed identity in Christ. May you be strong and courageous, trusting God at every step. I pray for blessing upon blessing upon blessing on you, your family, your loved ones, and anyone you might come across. May everyone in your circle be blessed. I pray for your emotions. May you be steady and stable. May you pour out your heart to Jesus because He is your refuge. May you walk in the sound mind that He has given you. I pray that you would cast all your cares on Jesus because He cares for you. I pray that you will draw near to God like never before. 

May He guide your decisions, your actions, and your thoughts. May you experience the love of God like never before. May His love overshadow you. I pray that you will be confident in your identity in Christ. I pray that you will keep short accounts with God. That you would ask Him for forgiveness and walk in holiness and purity. I pray that you will be strengthened by the promises of God. I pray that when rough times come, you will know that Christ is your anchor. May your days be immersed in praise and worship.

 I pray for elevation and contentment. May you be content in every circumstance. I pray that the word of God will be your compass. That you would look to it for guidance and direction. I pray for an increase in your creativity. That you would follow in your Creator's footsteps. I pray that God will grant you your heart’s desires as your desires are aligned with His. I pray for the sunshine of hope to  flood you with light. I pray that you will trust in the Lord with all of your heart and lean not on your own understanding. May this year be bountiful, filled with a ripe harvest of love, joy, peace, faithfulness, gentleness, kindness, and self-control. I pray for your relationships. May they be healthy and life-giving. May they cause you to grow exponentially. I pray that you will be a great steward of all the resources God has gifted you with. May the Holy Spirit be your guide. May you yield to His prompting. May the Lord bless you indeed, enlarge your territory, and cause you not to cause pain.

 In Jesus' name Amen


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