For the girl who feels discouraged

 For the girl who feels discouraged,

  You are not alone. God is fighting for You. Remember that He always wins. Remember that you are never too far gone. Take refuge in His love. Remember that He can handle your disappointments. He can handle your pain and strife. Bring it to Him wrapped in honesty.  Cast every care on Him because He devotedly cares for you. I know that it is hard to believe right now, that God loves you, that He cares. But believe it you must dear one because it is true. Let the truth circulate in your mind. You do not have any time to entertain lies. Remember the truth of the gospel. Jesus died to save you from sin so that you can have a deep personal relationship with Him. You were on the mind of God. In fact, you are always on His mind. His thoughts about you are precious. Remind yourself of who you are in Christ. You are beloved, a daughter of the King. You are redeemed and forgiven, the head and not the tail. You are God’s masterpiece created anew to do the good works that God has planned for you long ago. Remember that God’s thoughts are not our thoughts. His ways are not our ways. His plans for us are perfect, full of hope and a future.

 Run to Him. Run to His arms. He will never let you go. Lift up your head, dear one. Lift up your head and rejoice. Your story does not end here. There is more. You do not serve a God who gives up. You do not serve a God who is absent-minded. You serve a God who is passionate in His pursuit of You. Rejoice, for You are His beloved daughter. Rejoice because He has made you worthy. Rejoice because You can come to Him with anything, and He always has a listening ear. He longs for you to cry out to Him. Tell Him about Your concerns. Tell Him about your problems. Let Him wrap His arms of love all around you. Let Him quiet your fears. Be still and let the LORD of Heaven’s armies fight your battles. He always wins. Remember that this world is nothing compared to what God has prepared for you. Remember the joy that awaits you. The pain that you are experiencing currently is nothing compared to the joy that is coming. Remember that you have an advocate with the Father. You can come to His throne of grace boldly and without fear. So, tell Him about your hurts, your discouragement, and how you feel let down. And watch Him wash over You with his love and grace. Watch Him quiet you with singing. Watch Him respond with gentleness. Watch Him respond with the utmost care. You are loved. You are delighted in. God has not forgotten you. God has not disregarded you. When God looks at you, He sees the radiant beauty of Jesus.  You are precious to Him. So turn your eyes upon Him. Seek His Kingdom first. Trust in Him with all of your heart, even though the way seems rocky and turbulent. His way is best. He will provide direction.


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