
 I am grateful that the sun rises anew each day. Each day is clothed in God's new mercies. I am grateful that hope is always present. And the hope I have doesn't disappoint. I'm grateful that even though I journey through dark places, I have the Light. I still can see. I still retain victory. I am grateful.

I am grateful that God is not finished with me yet.
He has never given up on me and He never will. I am grateful that there is His matchless grace and forgiveness. He knows me more than I could ever know myself. He loves me anyway. I am grateful.

I am grateful for my scars. For they remind me that I have healed. I am still healing. I am grateful for the reminders to be gentle with all of me and to treat myself with kindness. I am grateful.

I am grateful that God leads me and holds my hand. He leads me through valleys and He leads me on the mountain tops but either way I am safe because He is with me. His love secures me and holds me steadily. I am grateful.


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