Thoughts on Prayer

 Prayer is simply talking to God. Prayer aligns our will with God's will. Prayer draws us closer in our relationship with Him. Imagine that you have a new friend. How do you get to know that friend? By communicating with them of course, getting to know them. We draw close to  God through prayer by talking to Him and listening to Him through His Word. Through prayer, we can express thanksgiving, praise, confess our sins, and present our petitions to God. We have a special gift in prayer where God can change a situation on our behalf.  There is power in prayer. The Bible says in James 5:16-Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results.
 James 5:16 NLT
 The Bible also commands us to pray without ceasing. 2 Thessalonians 5:17
  Prayer is essential for the health and vitality of the believer.  Through prayer, we have access to the omnipotent King of the Universe. And He is on our side. There are many ways to pray. You can pray in the morning as you just awaken. You can write down your prayers. You can give thanks throughout the day. Prayer is simply having a conversation with our Creator. It does not have to be complicated. It can be as simple as talking to a friend. God loves it when we commune with Him and is willing and able to answer our prayers. In prayer, we can be as honest and bold as we like. God knows everything about us and is not surprised by our requests and concerns. The Bible says that: The Lord directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives.
Psalms 37:23 NLT
He longs for us to come to Him because in Him all answers are found. We can bring anything to God. He delights in every detail of our lives so nothing is too small, nothing is too big for Him. He is the Ultimate Friend.  
A simple acronym for prayer is
   Praise- You give thanks and praise God for who He is
   Repent- you confess your sins and turn from them
  Ask- tell God what you need
  Yield- Surrender your day, your life to Him
  God delights in us and loves it when we pray to Him. He longs for a relationship with us and desires to transform us. I challenge us to persevere in prayer. My challenge is to take a few moments to simply talk with our Creator. He is so waiting to hear from us.


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