
 For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago. Ephesians 2:10

Never apologize for inhabiting space. Never question your belonging.  Christ died for you, all of you, on the cross. He paid the ultimate price so that we can walk in unashamed freedom.  Everything we need is found in Christ.

I recently was reminded of this. I was waiting for the bus and as soon as it arrived, I noticed that it was packed. I saw a seat available all the way in the back. As I got to the back, I found myself apologizing to the people already sitting down in the adjacent seats. I felt as if I was inconveniencing the other passengers. I felt like I was being a burden, which is ridiculous because I had every right to be there just like every other passenger. Something rang off in my mind. What was I apologizing for? Was I questioning my right to be there? Was I dismissing myself? At that moment  I was reminded of my infinite value in Christ. I don’t have to second guess my worth. Jesus paid it all for me.

The enemy of our souls wants us to question our belonging. He wants us to doubt our eternal significance because if we do,  we won’t accomplish the mission that God has for us. It is vital for us, when thoughts of self-hatred come, that we demolish them with the Word of God. It is imperative that we believe the truth of what God says about us. We are redeemed, we are chosen, we are God’s masterpieces.

Let’s not be frozen by fear. Let’s choose to believe the truth of what God says about us. Let’s look to the word of God and nowhere else to find our validation. As women of God, we have the highest calling. We are not forgotten. We are fully known, fully understood, fully comprehended by the great God of unfailing love and mercy.

As I got off the bus, this thought came to me. Never apologize for inhabiting space. I began to meditate on that and let the thought imprint itself in my heart.

Let us walk boldly in our identity in Christ. Jesus paid the highest price for us. Let’s remember who we are. Let’s remember Whose we are so that we can walk in obedience to God. God does not want us to second guess ourselves. Christ’s work on the cross was certain and sure. Therefore, let us be confident in Him. For ultimately, we live to glorify God because He is Supreme and worthy of all praise and glory. 

For in Him, we live and move and have our being… Acts 17:28



Dear Heavenly Father, please help me to believe the truth of Your Word. Help me to remember that my identity, my belonging, my worth, is found in You. Please forgive me for going to other sources to find what only You provide. Help me to be confident in You. Help me to walk boldly in faith. Thank you for Your love. Thank You for Your faithfulness. When negative thoughts arrive, please help me to cancel them with Your Word. Help me to live by the Spirit. Thank you for making me victorious. In Jesus’ Name




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