Inspired by Psalm 42

 Why, my soul, are you downcast?

    Why so disturbed within me?
Put your hope in God,
    for I will yet praise him,
    my Savior and my God. Psalm 42:11


As the desert cries out for rain, so I desire You, LORD. I crave Your presence for You are the only source of hope. All-day long my heart has been breaking. Loneliness has consumed my soul. My mind dances back to where joy reigned within me. I remember when my soul was glad, and my heart was merry with the things of this world. But they deceived me and left me with corruption.

How did my heart lose the ability to smile? Why did I allow the enemy to steal my joy? But I will hope in You Oh LORD because You see me beyond the storm. You see me as victorious.

But my situation seems stagnant in the midst of monotony. I feel lost and confused.

 Why is my heart so burdened when I have a God who is greater than my circumstances. I have a God who loves and cherishes me even in the midst of the storm. I will trust In You my God, my Father. I will remember how You delivered me. My hope lies within You.

So even though situations around me seem to be falling apart. Even though relationships leave me lonely and broken. Even though I feel as if no one understands me . When I feel all alone, Your love is there pushing me and embracing me. My hope is in You.

How did my heart lose the ability to smile? Why did I allow the enemy to steal my joy?

I will put my hope in You, my God. For Your love gives me restoration. Your love gives me hope


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