
 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

Philippians 4:13


I dare you to let go. I dare you to release the perfectionism that has held you captive. I dare you to be honest with yourself. I dare you to engage in the art of discovering your identity in Christ. I dare you to seek His definition for your worth. I dare you to walk in His glorious calling. Yes, the process is messy but it sure is beautiful.

Allow me to reintroduce myself. My name is Sashel Hinds, and I am a woman who is on
this magnificent Christian journey. I am grateful that God is faithful to complete the good work that He has started in me(Philippians 1:6). am still Welcome to Operation Redeemed. It has been quite a while since I have shared on this lovely platform. The last post was in 2019. Our world has significantly changed since then. However, God is still in control. He is still faithful. He is still good. His love endures through every storm. He is stable and constant even when everything around us isn’t.  

I must admit that I have been very nervous to return to Operation Redeemed, especially after taking a 2-year hiatus. I found myself experiencing the dreaded writers’ block. I found myself scribbling notes in my notebook only to discard them. I felt inadequate and inexperienced. Can I really do this? Can I really consistently share my thoughts? Can I commit to this?

I discovered that I was way too focused on my perceived limitations and not focused enough on the overwhelming power of Christ. Scripture tells us that we can do all things through Christ who gives us strength( Philippians 4:13). Christ in us gives us the power to accomplish the vision that He has laid in our hearts. His strength is perfected in our weakness(2Corinthians 12:9).

So here I am again, committed to doing the work that God has called me to do. I am really excited about this new chapter in Operation Redeemed. We are going to talk about a myriad of topics all encouraging us to walk boldly in our identity in Christ. I endeavor to share from my own experiences all while [pointing us back to the Word of God which is our source of hope and stability

Here are some lessons that I have learned from my recent bout with writer’s block.

1. Listen- I am learning that perhaps God wants me to not be so focused on producing or focused on my own words. Perhaps He wants me to slow down and listen to His voice. So many times,  I can be consumed with what I  want to say, that I forget to hear God’s voice.  Hearing God’s voice simply means to go to the word of God( the Holy Bible) with an open heart and mind, asking Him to speak. So God wants me, God wants us to have a listening ear. To be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to get angry(James 1:19).

2. Just Begin- Often times anxiety creeps in, causing us to become immobile. I am learning that all it takes is a simple step in the right direction to begin moving again. All it takes is a word on the page and then another and then another. I am learning not to overwhelm myself with the thought of the finished product. I am learning to take everything, including my writing step by step, word by word. Mistakes will happen, but that is part of the process.


The goal is not perfectionism. The goal is progress.

Remember that dare from earlier? Well, I was talking to myself. My prayer is that Operation Redeemed will serve as an encouragement for the Christian walk, which can be arduous at times. But God is faithful, and He will carry us through.

I hope to meet you here often.

Yours Truly,







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