No Fear

 The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? the Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid? Psalm 27:1


I will not fear. I walk in the light. I am in tune. I see with utmost clarity. I will not be deceived. I have no reason to be afraid. I will not let fear win. I will let faith overwhelm me and lead me to glorious victory. No fear. No fear. I will not buckle under the weight. No, I will not tremble in the face of fear. I will stand strong, and I will still climb on. I will be brave, and I will still keep singing my song. God is faithful. God is still good. God is still in control. He is still on the throne. God is good and I choose to trust Him. I choose to believe what He says because what He says is true. I will not quiver when the enemy threatens me. He is a liar, and he is already defeated. I will come from the fire, refined and golden. I will be fortified with experience. I will not quit; I will continue to fight the good fight of faith. No fear. No fear.



Fear prevents progress and renders immobility. It can be all-consuming, draining out all the promise and potential from its victim. Fear causes doubt and disobedience. Fear is the language of the enemy, whose purpose is to steal, kill, and destroy. Fear is a liar. So many of us are tangled in its deception. The good news though is we have victory through Christ. Christ conquered sin, fear, and shame so we can have life and have it more abundantly(John 10:10). The Word of God is our primary weapon when dealing with fear. We are encouraged not to fear a myriad of times in Scripture. God does not want us to be shackled by fear but to dance in freedom.  We are going to take a close look at a scripture that deals with fear. We are going to see how we use them as powerful weapons against the common struggle of fear.

The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? the Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid? Psalm 27:1

First, let us look at the first part of the verse. The psalmist declares: The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? (Psalm27:1a)

Who is the LORD? Well, the LORD is the Creator of heaven and earth, the great God Almighty. He is the LORD of Angel Armies. He is the all-powerful King of the universe. This is the LORD. The psalmist then goes on and says that the LORD is my light and my salvation. The psalmist uses the possessive pronoun ‘my’ which indicates that he has a personal relationship with the LORD. That is the first step in conquering fear. We have to know God personally. Our relationship with the LORD must be intact.

The psalmist then proceeds to call God my light and my salvation. The LORD is the light by which we see. The presence of God illuminates our path and provides clarity. His light pushes away the darkness. Fear leaves us in the dark and is blinding. However, with God, we have optimal vision. The psalmist then states that The LORD is his salvation. Salvation means safety. In the LORD’s care, we are safe. He is the ultimate security.  As mentioned previously, God is the great Creator of heaven and earth. He is sovereign and in control. He is outside of time and space. Therefore, we can trust Him with every detail of our lives.

Whom shall I fear?

Who can dare come against God Almighty? If God is for us, who can be against us? (Romans 8:31) With God on our side, we are ALWAYS triumphant. We ALWAYS win. There is no need to fear.

The LORD is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid? Psalm 27:1b

God provides strength and security. The psalmist is boldly saying that it is the LORD who is equipping him with the power to boldly live. The LORD gives power to the powerless. His strength is perfected in weakness. So that means even at our lowest and weakest point, God still provides us with the strength to continue on.

Of whom shall I be afraid?

God’s strength compels us not to be afraid but to be confident in His mighty power. Who dares stand against the great God Almighty?

The question remains- What do we do when we feel afraid?

-         Be honest with God in prayer. Tell God exactly how you feel. Ask Him to embolden you with His power and to give you the courage to face the fear.

-         Meditate on the Word of God. Look up scriptures that speak about fear. Recite them over and over again till they are committed to memory. The Bible has so many scriptures that talk about fear. Here are two of my favorites.

For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.

 2 Timothy 1:7

Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil;
For You are with me;
Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.

Psalm 23:4

-         Remember your authority in Christ. Remember your identity in Christ. The Word says that we are more than conquerors through Christ! (Romans 8:37)

-         Worship- Worship shifts the perspective and places it on God, not on the fear.

Remember that the God that we serve is bigger than any fear. His presence drives out fear, so we must remain close to Him.  God loves us and does not want us to exist in fear. He wants us to thrive in faith. We belong to Him. We are redeemed. We will walk in His glorious victory. 

No fear. No fear.















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