New Leaf

It has been a long time since I shared here. This is the returning post. It's good to be back.  Although it feels slightly awkward and uncomfortable. Yet it's necessary. I want to start over and begin again. Only I am not demolishing anything but just simply returning, simply building, simply continuing, to write, hope, dream and live with grace and in truth.  I am learning that discipline is cultivated, its a step by step commitment to do the hard things even if they are inconvenient and unnoticed. I want to write more. I want to encourage through my words and point people to Christ. Operation Redeemed is an avenue in which I can do just that.  So I am back again.   

Building and Continuing.
It is easy to get comfortable in idleness. It's easy to live in the land of delay and declare that tomorrow will be the day that I  do the thing that I am meant for.  It feels comforting at first but after a time the senses become weak and stagnation creeps in. Restlessness slithers in. I don't want to live in the land of delay. It is a barren land. I want to live in the land of today. For tomorrow is a whisper that never materializes.  It is not sure.  
So this is where I begin again. Redemption is all about bringing back, returning to the original purpose. I want to celebrate redemption. I want this space to rain down on the encouragement. I want grace and truth to dwell and uplift, where we are reminded of the goodness of God. especially when it is hard to see.
This the returning.
This the coming back to the mission.
This the coming back to the love of Christ, knowing that we are accepted by Him.
We don't need to cower in shame. We just need to start again.
To pick where we left off
His grace empowers us
This is the recommitment to discipline.
This is the awareness that it is not going to be easy.
But it's so worth it.
At the end of the day, it's not about us. 
 It's all  for His glory

The beautiful thing about returning is that all the experiences that were gained while away are not wasted. Rather they serve as building blocks in the redemptive process. they tell of the journey, They tell rich stories about the sweet taste of grace. I
It's a new day. It's a new leaf. I know its a cliche but I just adore agricultural metaphors.
Let's build let's continue, even though we might fall off course. It takes courage to choose to march forth anyway,  to resist the mundane and make a change.
 Build and Continue anyway.
Even though it may be small. It is still is brave. It still makes an impact.
We are redeemed and we say so.
We live so
We think so
We move so

Be strong and courageous, and do the work. Don’t be afraid or discouraged, for the LORD God, my God, is with you. He will not fail you or forsake you..."
1 Chronicles 28:20


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