Notes on the Journey

Who may ascend the mountain of the LORD? Who may stand in his holy place?
Psalm 24:3

The year is soaring.  At the time of this writing, it is the 2nd week of July. Time. It flies. At the beginning of this year, I decided that the word ‘ascend’ will be the theme for the year.  To ascend means to rise, to climb, to go upward.  I was inspired by Psalm 24: 3-5 and the songs of ascent found in the book of Psalms. I wanted to elevate and respond the way that God wants me to do, rather than descend in my own default pattern of selfishness and negative, limited thinking. We are all on a journey.  We all need to be reminded of the simple truths of the gospel. It’s changing us. We are being constantly molded in the likeness of Christ, being smoothed out and polished.
 I was reflecting on all that I learned (and am learning)  these several months, all that God is showing me. I am still climbing, and I wobble quite a bit. However, I am finding that I am not alone. God is with me and the view is so much better where He is.

Here are four reflections on my ongoing ascent.

Be still, and know that I am God...  Psalm 46:10a NLT

1.     Slow down. Be still.
I love food. Random confession, but I promise that there is a point. I eat rather quickly. It’s like I am afraid that the food will run away from me if I do not consume it voraciously. I have this habit of pacing continually sometimes when I eat. I notice that when I do this, I do not enjoy my food nor am I focused on what I am eating. I am just going through the motions, not truly tasting, not experiencing.  Life is meant to be savored. To be appreciated. Delicate moments slip through the cracks of excessive motion. There is forgetfulness in the hurry. I am learning to remember. Make memories with my senses. I am learning to be still. To relax. To breathe.  It’s rather unnatural for me honestly. I have an innate tendency to be always on the move. Stillness forces me to be honest with myself and reveals my deep dependence on God.  He speaks in the stillness. Stillness can be an invitation for His voice to fill my inner spaces.  I am learning to enjoy the quiet. I am learning to be present in each moment like enjoying a meal( see, brought it back full circle).

2.    It is well.

Now hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us. Romans 5:5 NKJV

There is always hope. Let me repeat that. There is always hope. Hope seems like an illusion sometimes doesn’t it? I know that it does for me. When I am drowning in a storm of anxiety, fear, pressure,  depression, hope seems distant if not nonexistent. The pain of my circumstances and the intensity of my emotions appear to be more tangible and pressing than hope’s presence.  But thank God that my hope is not constructed on my circumstances, emotions, or inclinations. I have an eternal hope. An enduring hope.  My hope is found in the finished work of Christ. His death, burial, and resurrection.  I had to remind my soul of the reality of this hope, to perk up my soul with the truth of God’s Word even when I do not ‘feel’ like hearing it.  I find that I am more prone to hopelessness when my perspective is self-centered. I have this tendency to ruminate on the negative. This tendency paints the atmosphere of my mind with sadness and dismay.  When I am focusing on my issues, my shortcomings, my circumstances, I descend in a pile of immobility. I feel stagnant and useless. But when I fix my eyes on Christ and reflect on His beauty, His perfection, His grace, His love for me, I am renewed in His hope. I can say confidently that “it is well”. I have a gracious Redeemer who loves me with an everlasting love. So, I am learning to persist in hope. By God’s grace, I am challenged to focus on Him and remember His promises. This is a continual process but I’m still climbing.

For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline. 2 Timothy 1:7 NLT

3.    Focus and Self Control -  Wow, this is especially difficult. But ( say it with me), I’m still climbing.  I get easily distracted and take a while to complete tasks.  I know I am not alone in the struggle. My goodness. I’m learning and relearning that time waits for no one. I think the issue isn’t so much the lack of focus. Its where I place my focus. I have no problem with focusing on the immediate gratification of the culinary variety or on watching cheesy romantic comedies that will generate all the feelings inside.  There is nothing wrong with that of course. There is a time for these sweet indulgences. Granted these are only examples. Insert your own indulgences here*.   Mission. God placed special assignments within each of His followers. Assignments that take the shape of dreams, passions, relationships. God formed us uniquely and beautifully to do the work that He has prepared for us long ago. If we are too busy being distracted, then our work will not be completed. I am praying for self- control. I am seriously praying for more discipline to do what I was designed to do. I don’t want to miss it dwindling away at things that do not matter, that do not have any eternal significance.  We won’t get to our next stop without focus and self- control. The beautiful thing is that it isn’t too late. There is hope.  God is the great Redeemer and he can restore lost years.  In our evaluation, let’s not miss our progress in this area.

 What are some strategies that help you establish discipline?

Since we are receiving a Kingdom that is unshakable, let us be thankful and please God by worshiping him with holy fear and awe. Hebrews 12:28 NLT

4.    Commit to gratitude- There is always something to give God thanks for. Always.  Having an attitude of gratitude does not always change the circumstance but it sure makes it easier to go through it. We are blessed! It helps to keep a list either mentally or with an actual pen and paper of what you’re grateful for. It can be small things, medium-sized things or huge things. When I choose to be grateful, my perspective changes. I am anchored in hope and ready to conquer my day.  Celebrate small victories. Keep an account of God’s faithfulness. Make note of progress.
 Rejoice! Do a happy dance!
There is hope. God is in charge and He has already written our story.
We can trust Him. He is carrying us.
 Keep climbing. I know I will.

What are you grateful for?


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