The things we say...

Why does it seem so easy to encourage others but be toxic with ourselves?

Reminding ourselves of God's truth is essential in all aspects of life but especially when we are faced with reminders of our unredeemed life. It can be so easy for me to wallow in self-pity and allow my mind to wander back to a shameful memory. As a result, my words follow and are transformed into insults hurled at myself. The cycle then continues. It is time to break that toxic cycle of negative words. The words that we say point to our belief system and what is really in our hearts. Instead of making a whole list of our shortcomings, and stare incessantly at it, let us gaze at God's love letter to us. Let us choose to agree with what God says about our identity in Him. The truth is that we only get one life here on this earth. We are going to have to live with ourselves for the rest of our lives. I want to make that time meaningful and learn to speak good things about who I am. It is important that we look to God to help us to renew our minds from years of verbal abuse. We can be our biggest accusers. We need to run to Jesus and keep on running to Him. There will be times where we slip but He is patient with us and He has redeemed us. The first thing we need to do is have a long and honest talk with Jesus. It is important to ask Him to uproot the rocky soil of self-hatred in our hearts and implant within us, love. He knows everything about us and is not surprised by our failure. He wants us to be honest and humble before Him. Only God can transform us and give us a new heart.

Bible Study is crucial to the discovery of the truth. Instead of daily regurgitating our own toxic thoughts, we need to fill our minds with the truth of God's Word and meditate on it. 

One thing that I used to do and will start doing again is writing Bible Verses on post its and putting them on my wall and my mirror in my room. Every time when I would look in the mirror, I would see a heavenly reminder to "be strong and courageous." What are some ways that you can remind yourself of God's truth?  Figure out what best works for you and get going in grace and truth!

Prayer is us talking to God. The Bible is God speaking to us.

Whenever I think of something cringe-worthy that happened in my past, instead of muttering self-defeat, I will acknowledge that it happened but try and learn from it instead of wallowing in self-pity.

I will choose to believe in the truth of God's promises and I will choose to believe what He says about me.

This last point is a little graphic but please bear with me. Our bodies are organized systems. We take in nutrients and nourishment from food(fuel). Then we excrete the waste that is harmful to our bodies. Likewise, in our spiritual and emotional health, we should take in the word of God which will fortify and feed us. We should let go of all the negative thoughts, feelings, condemnation, and sentiments that will leave us paralyzed by depression and fear.

Reprogram our minds moment by moment with continual prayer and the word of God
Confess and meditate on Scripture
Live every moment with Thanksgiving
Learn from Mistakes
Please check out these scripture verses below

Scripture References-
Psalm 139
Joshua 1:8
Romans 12:2

Luke 6:45
2 Corinthians 5:17

Proverbs 18:21

Redeemed in His love and Gracious Peace



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