
Look Within
What stops you from simply obeying what God tells you to do? Is it fear?  Your own will? Is it a genuine belief that you can’t accomplish the task? Is it outside voices that discourage you, whether implicitly or explicitly? I don’t mean to be all in your face like this. I am writing this from the well of my own shortcomings. However, just because we are familiar with the struggle doesn’t mean that we must wallow in it. We’re all in this together. High School Musical anyone? Ok, moving on. This is a common struggle. But you know what?  It can be redeemed. God can turn us around and help us move forward in faith and obedience to what He has called us to do.   We must obey Him. We must surrender. It is easier said than done but we are not alone. The Bible says that we can do all things through Christ who gives us strength (Philippians 4:13).   The Bible also says that the same resurrection power that rose Christ from the dead lives in us! (Romans 8:11). We have the strength of God on our side. He will accomplish through us what He has called us to do. God is with us.
Do you believe?
Let’s go to the root cause of this issue. It all begins with our heart, with what we believe, and what we don’t. Our belief system spurs us to action or inaction. For example, if we believed that it would rain, surely, we would pack the cutest and most functional umbrella to protect us from the downpour. Unless we plan to frolic in the rain.  In either case, our belief is the cause of our action. We work because of our faith. Do we believe what God says? Our faith in God should not be dependent on our external or internal circumstances. Such faith is wavering and fickle. It will not stand when struggles come, and everything seems lost. Our faith must be anchored in the Rock of our salvation, Jesus Christ.
 The question lingers: What do we do when we are struggling to believe? There are times when our faith is rocked. It’s like life is kicking our trust to a pulp till it eventually falters.  Friends and family betray us.  We lose loved ones. We get laid off. We are overcome with loneliness. Our dreams do not come true. We are not where we thought we would be by a certain age. Our excruciating struggles with sin seem to be unbearable.  The Bible speaks of freedom in Christ, but we feel anything but free.  The enemy whispers in our hearts his age-old question from Genesis:” Did God really say …?”
We find ourselves trapped in a cycle of callousness and disobedience.
Hope is available for us.
 The New Testament (Mark 9 vs 14- 24) shows us where to find it.
  The story begins with an argument erupting between a crowd of people and some religious elites. The crowd then saw Jesus and ran to Him with fervent excitement.  Jesus asked them why they were arguing. A man amid the crowd spoke up and said that his son was possessed by an evil spirit that prevented him from speaking.  The evil spirit will throw him on the ground and cause him to grind his teeth and become weak. The man added that he asked Jesus’ disciples to cast out the demon, but they were unable to. Jesus asked the crowd to bring the boy to him. When the evil spirit saw Jesus, it threw the boy in all manner of convulsions and the boy began foaming at the mouth.  Jesus asked the boy’s father, “How long has this been happening? “Since he was a little boy. The spirit often throws him in fire or water, trying to kill him. Please have mercy on us and help us if you are able.”  Jesus responded, what do you mean if I am able? Anything is possible for those who believe!  The next part of this account speaks to me on a deep level. The man replied,” Lord, I believe, help my unbelief. Jesus cast out the demon and the boy was made whole.
Lord, I believe. Help my unbelief!
I love that this story is tucked into the Holy Scriptures. I love how honest the father was in boldly confessing that there are parts of him that wrestle with unbelief. Yet he knew that Jesus was the One to give Him faith, to remove the rough patches of his doubt, and bring him assurance. Hebrews 12:2 calls Jesus the author and finisher of our faith. Our faith originates in Jesus Christ. He starts it and perfects it within us. When we are faced with doubt and unbelief, we should not run away from God. Rather, we should run toward Him with it.  God can handle it. Look to Him. Be transformed in His presence. Spend time letting His Word wash over you. He wants us to confess to him our doubt.  God is not surprised by any of our struggles.  He wants us to bring all our confusion at His feet. He longs to soothe us and bring us comfort, to bring us peace.  We just must be honest with Him by letting him hear our hearts, inviting Him to search us and lead us on the right path. He won't push us away. So, pour out the gritty, raw, muffled prayers at His feet. There is nothing that God Almighty cannot handle.

 It is easy to isolate ourselves when we are faced with difficulty. But isolation breeds fear and shame.   God can use the right community to foster growth. Talk to some trusted Christian friends, mentors, and church leaders and ask for prayer.  Confession among other believers is a great way to be encouraged and refreshed in the faith. You will probably find that you are not alone in your struggles with doubt. Read God’s Word and make it a part of your everyday life.  Pray the Scriptures, and ask God to reveal Himself to you more each day. In the rough times remember how far God has brought you. Remember how He has been faithful to You in the past. He never changes, and He will continue to be faithful to you. The Christian race is not a sprint. It is a marathon. It is paved with slow and steady endurance as its runners are being transformed in the character of Christ. We are learning and growing in faith. God wastes nothing so every struggle and every trial is used by God to help us become more like Jesus. Let’s keep on running because we know that we are not alone. God is with us and is enabling us by His Holy Spirit to take one more step. God is never going to give up on you. Ever.


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