
May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing to you, O LORD, my rock and my redeemer. Psalm 19:14 NLT (emphasis mine)

Hey there!   Welcome to Operation Redeemed!

Who am I?

 Oh, I am so glad you asked. My name is Sashel Hinds. I am 20 -something- year- old woman, trying to take life one step at a time. I am a Christian, a daughter, a sister, a cousin, a niece, a friend, among other modes of identification. Art in all forms is beloved by me. Writing is cathartic and my prominent means of prayer.  Poetry. Enough said.  I love frolicking in the park, food, deep and goofy conversations, good singing, laughing until all body parts are transformed, and erupting in spontaneous dancing. I love peppermint tea, getting soaked in the rain, and watching cheesy but sweet movies. There is a whole lot more quirkiness that I will reserve for subsequent posts.

  I am so glad you are here!  Above all my loves and passions, I am a woman who loves Jesus. My deepest desire is to know Him more intimately and to live for Him with ardent devotion, and a fiery passion. He has set His affection upon me and redeemed me for His glory. I am grateful.

Operation Redeemed seeks to remind Christian women of their identity in Christ. We can get confused by so many messages that devalue our worth in Christ.  I pray that God will use these words to encourage us to seek the truth of God’s word and to let His truth navigate our thoughts, our words, our actions. Please feel free to comment and share any reflections you might have or to simply say hello. I would love to hear from you!
 I love that description of God, as my Rock and my Redeemer. Let’s dissect it for a bit.  When I think of the Lord as my Rock, I immediately envision strength, stability, security. I see God who is certain of me, who is consistent in His never-ending love and mercy, who will never leave me when situations around me wobble and crumble.  Instead, I am anchored in His faithfulness. I am safe in His Sovereignty. God is my Rock. Why should I be afraid? The thing is though sometimes I feel petrified, unstable, and inadequate. I am prone to forget that I am held by the most reliable and steadfast God.  He is my Redeemer. He brings me back to Him, for His purposes. He never stops leading me when I go astray and gives the grace to operate in His strength.  Sin, hurt, shame, feelings of inadequacy and insecurity, have no power in the overwhelming victory of Christ’s redemption.
The truth is sometimes as Christians we are prone to forget that we are redeemed by the Highest King. We are prone to believe false reports of our worth and our freedom in Christ. Because of our amnesia, we operate in a manner that is less than and opposite of what our Savior intended. He is the Rock of our salvation. He is purposeful in His positioning of us. We are no longer bound to sin, No longer imprisoned by the lies of the enemy. We are bought back with a High price, set free to dance in His Marvelous Light. We are set free to live according to His purposes, the Highest calling. We serve the Lord. He is our Rock and our Redeemer.  So, when we are faced with turbulent situations, let us rest in Our Rock and Redeemer. He has us. He has us.   There is no need to fear.

 Looking forward to the operation, (corny I know, but you get the point).

 In His Love and Gracious Peace,


But now, this is what the LORD says-- he who created you, Jacob, he who formed you, Israel: "Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine. NIV


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  2. nknownAugust 7, 2018 at 9:16 AM

    This is truly an encouraging platform you are taking and I am looking forward to the journey that not only God is taking you with creating this blog but the much needed help and inspiration you will provide other women. So proud of you and can't wait for more posts.


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